Echoes from the field

The ALSF supports the African Minerals Development Centre and the United Nations Development Programme

On 24 to 26 April 2024, the African Legal Support Facility (the “ALSF”) participated in the East and Southern African Regional Consultative Workshop towards and Artisanal and Small – Scale Mining (“ASM”) Continental Strategy (the “Workshop”), hosted by the African Minerals Development Centre (“AMDC”) in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme (“UNDP”) in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

The aim of the Workshop was to delve into crucial implementation strategies, exploring emerging issues, and refining activity options within the context of the African Mining Vision (“AMV”) to implement an ASM Continental Strategy.

The objectives of the Workshop included: (i) presenting and validating a comprehensive baseline assessment and value chain analyses of development minerals in Tanzania; (ii) profiling the ASM sector in Tanzania, reviewing the legal and policy frameworks, and exploring the environmental, health, safety, and socio-economic impacts of ASM activities; (iii) developing guidelines promoting gender equality in ASM value chain development; and (iv) emphasizing the importance of knowledge sharing and capacity building within the ASM community.

The workshop also provided a platform for policy dialogues on ASM regional supply chain dynamics by leveraging on the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA); and recognizing the pivotal role of the media in shaping public discourse and fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange within the ASM community.

The ALSF was represented by Mr. Mohamed Stevens, Legal Counsel who presented on the topic: “preparing for ASM growth in Africa through legal support”, and was also a panelist discussing: “the role of women in ASM and challenges and of implementing an ASM Continental Strategy ”.


About the ALSF

Established by the African Development Bank in 2008, the ALSF assists African governments in negotiating complex commercial transactions, providing legal and technical assistance and developing capacity building tools in the key sectors of infrastructure and public-private partnerships, energy, natural resources and extractive industries, as well as on sovereign debt and creditor disputes.

Contact us

Eve Ehoura, Communication Officer :

ALSF Website :