What: Launch of the African Legal Support Facility Medium Term Strategy 2023 – 2027 and New Visual Identity
Who: The African Legal Support Facility (ALSF)
Where: Virtual https://afdb.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYscOuvrD8sHtEFSLUFBwoCaLxD61wvanR4
When: 31st January 2023
The ALSF will hold an official launch of its new medium-term strategy and a new visual identity.
The ALSF was established in 2008 for an initial term of fourteen (14) years. The original term was extended in May 2021 by the Governing Council of the ALSF for an additional fourteen (14) years, commencing on 23 December 2022 (“New Phase)”.
Incidentally, the third planning cycle of the ALSF - the medium-term strategy - commences from 2023 to 2027 and coincides with the beginning of the New Phase. Under the New Phase and the upcoming Medium-Term Strategy 2023-2027 (“MTS”) the ALSF expects to adapt and intensify its activities to ensure greater and sustainable impacts for African countries. Accordingly, the MTS outlines the strategies for supporting African governments - through advisory services and capacity building activities - to overcome legal and technical capacity challenges in undertaking fair and balanced complex commercial transactions in key economic sectors, notably natural resources and extractives, energy, infrastructure public-private partnerships (PPPs), and sovereign finance. Especially, this MTS prioritises strategies for integrating cross-cutting issues such as Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG), climate sustainability, gender, illicit financial flows (IFFs), and digitalisation in the ALSF’s interventions to enhance the sustainability of the capacity developed and strengthen the resilience of African countries to confront future development challenges.
The ALSF will also use the occasion to unveil a new visual identity reflecting its maturity and dynamism as an international development organisation.
About the African Legal Support Facility: Created by the African Development Bank in 2008, the ALSF supports African governments with first-rate legal and technical assistance and capacity building in negotiating complex commercial transactions for their sustainable development. The ALSF’s members include 49 regional member countries, 5 non-regional member countries, and 7 international organisations.
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